Coaching seen by....

« The only knowledge that can influence the behavior of a person is that which he discovers by himself and makes his own »

Carl Rogers

« On becoming a person »

« If questions are asked  appropriately, people find the good answers by themselves »


« Most people wait, sometimes their whole life, for the opportunity to have a true conversation. An authentic and significant conversation that can change their life. The coaching conversation is ideal for that »

Thomas Leonard

(he initiated Life coaching)

« As self-confidence is inherent to kids, the work of a coach is to help the client to unlearn doubts, fears and the reductive hypothesis that fatally accumulate year after year »

Timothy Gallwey

A pioneer in executive coaching

« I think that to improve is the main goal in life. But my attention drops, or my will, or inertia gets the upper hand, or stupidity that nobody is devoid of. I am not at any moment what I should be. I do my best, whereas I very often could do more than my best”
Marguerite Yourcenar

Open Eyes "Les Yeux Ouverts", interviews with Mathieu Galey

« If you can dream it, you can do it »

Walt Disney

“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to optimize their performance.”

« Many executives think that regular coaching sessions with a third party, even on the phone, if necessary, can have a real impact on their professional performances and their relationships in their private life »

« The professional world colonized too much space in the lives of too many people and they  paid too high a personal price for that. Too many executives, managers, live for their work instead of working to live. The stress, broken marriages, neglected kids and a bad health are  symptoms that are much more widespread than what executives are ready to admit. Coaching is a means to make them softly become aware of this unbalance, and to help the person who is coached to find a way to go forward while boosting  his/her professional life and respecting his/her personal life. It is often necessary to have a vision of the future or some ideal towards which to head for, as opposed to  survival  and avoidance of problems »

John Whitmore

International Business Coach, distinguished by the International Coaching Federation, published in 22 languages