The coaching process

« Insanity : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. » Albert Einstein
The different steps in a transition

During a transition, points of reference can be more or less turned upside down ; they sometimes need to be completely reconsidered, leading the way to confusion.  It is then time to assess one’s personal (family, social …) and professional life, to evaluate which « season » in the life cycle one is in.

The life cycle (we can live several cycles in our lives), is similar to the season cycle. According to the periods, we sow, harvest, then get out of breath before we « hibernate », an essential cocooning phase, which enables us to empower us to draw on our resources and enter a new cycle.

A successful transition can then be achieved. But only after some personal work. It is essential to take care of oneself and to identify one’s needs (physiological, psychological, intellectual and spiritual), one’s values, one’s beliefs about oneself, people and life (one’s own beliefs and those that come from others).

Once you will have sorted what belongs to you or not, it will be easier to find new points of reference if necessary, and draw on the very powerful resources you sometimes would never had imagined you have. You can then make decisions, open yourself to the others and the world, to a life that has meaning for you and allows you to use and develop your talents and skills.

It is time to set the action plan for your new life and reach your goals.

This rich and fascinating path is deeply personal and implies the mind, emotions and senses. It can sometimes be difficult, at least partially. That is why having a « travel buddy » can be a good thing. I would be glad to help you on that path that I know well as I walked on such a path a number of times, each time differently.

Why start a coaching ?

People ask for coaching when they feel like getting out of a situation that does not suit them. They can also dislike their reaction to that specific circumstance, whether it was originally supposed to be a sad one or a happy one implying lots of (not that easy) changes in their lives. They  feel like moving, going forward, evolving.

It is not always easy to ask oneself the questions that allow us to discover the options and resources we have. We could sometimes never have imagined they were there. That is especially true when we have been thinking things over and over for a long time, on our own.

That is the power of a new external look. And some coaching techniques enable us, when necessary, to make the most of the answers to these questions while empowering ourselves even more.

What is the coaching process like ?

The first session enables us to get to know each other and start to explore your needs, your dream, your objectives.

The following sessions deal about the « seasons »* that you will go through as needed.

Then, when you are ready to fix precise goals, the sessions will allow you to explore the options that you have, to elaborate your action plan, consider the possible obstacles and prepare to use your best resources.

During the last session, we assess the coaching, consider the results and strenghten the changes to secure them in time.

If you need it, a free half an hour follow-up session can be organised, on the phone or through skype, weeks or months after the end of the coaching.


*   read  « The different steps in a transition », that is the first paragraph on this page.

Where and how does the coaching take place ?

Either on the phone or through skype. Or outside companies and homes, in Paris, in the Opéra or République areas.

It can be a mix of one-on-one, phone and/or skype sessions according to circumstances and needs.

How long does a coaching last ?

Depending on the context and your goals, a coaching usually lasts 3 to 6 months with 8 to 12 one hour to one hour and a half sessions. Major transitions can imply a longer coaching, up to a year, with more sessions.